█DX█N@UM@N R@FI | 11:31 pm(4 hours ago) My 1st Software in C++....!! ->Simple Calculator<-.::Just Sharing::. **-**My 1st Program in C++**-**=> Simple Calculator <= Download it From Here:- http://afaridi.zoomshare.com/files/Simp .::Source::. http://afaridi.zoomshare.com/7.html I Dont Know Much Programming in C++,But Created A CalculatorHope You Will Like it......your suggestions are required and hope you;ll appriciate it..coz tht's my 1st software in C++ Software Created in 2 hrs and 30 mins....coz i dont have much knowledge of C++......and its Damn Difficult,Too Mod's And Owner Please donnot Delete this topic u Can delete it in 48Hrs Thanks!! ---------------------------------------- ReGardzZz, ==Back With Softwares=== Nauman Rafi Owner Of::: http://www.Xanga.com/afaridi | |
| 12:21 am(3½ hours ago) but why did you share it..i mean learn a bit and share the one that you make afer learning it was gud as your first one .. | |
Vijay | 12:37 am(3 hours ago) Good to see you writing your first program in C++.C++ level is a powerful language and considered by most hackers to be the best programming language. You can't achieve things using C++ which can't be achieved by any other language. Now that you have started off, try creating some good programs. Try improving this calculator to accept the input in a single like with only one expression. Like 23*35 , 34-45, 21/34 etc. Try parsing the input and evaluating the expression. I will provide you help if you want anything. All the best for ur future programming tasks! And no, we won't delete this topic! | |
VOTE For TAJ | 12:39 am(3 hours ago) i made a program to solve the sudoku | |
Vijay | 12:40 am(3 hours ago) hmm go ahead, share it.. | |
| 12:41 am(3 hours ago) i will be making one soon. to find day of any ate in histoyr.. and tell ne historic imp of that day.. atleat thats what i have thought.. lets see what comes out sudoku idea i nice.. what was its basic concept? SiGnEd bY: ♪ ρμπIšHεг ♪ | |
| 12:41 am(3 hours ago) yeah share it.. i meant what did u use SiGnEd bY: ♪ ρμπIšHεг ♪ | |
Mr Nobody | 12:42 am(3 hours ago) @topic starter everything is good but only one mistake ...check this enter the 1st no for division=1(say) enter the 2nd no for division=2 answer=0 lolz just use "float" instead of "int" over there | |
| 12:43 am(3 hours ago) ^^^^^^ SiGnEd bY: ♪ ρμπIšHεг ♪ | |
Vijay | 12:45 am(3 hours ago) Nobody...nice find.. |
VOTE For TAJ | 12:45 am(3 hours ago) search it to sharethere is too much mash in my pc and i forget the file name | |
RED RUM 666 ~~~ | 12:53 am(3 hours ago) http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread133?? | |
VOTE For TAJ | 1:00 am(3 hours ago) http://rapidshare.com/files/37031759/SUsudoku creator and solver in c there r still some bugs | |
VOTE For TAJ | 1:06 am(3 hours ago) comments plz | |
RED RUM 666 ~~~ | 1:11 am(2½ hours ago) No comment. | |
VOTE For TAJ | 1:12 am(2½ hours ago) thanx for ur comments | |
█DX█N@UM@N R@FI | 1:19 am(2½ hours ago) lol @ nobody bro i;ve also chked it its a prob with Division dont know ybut it can solve other big values like=> 1st divison number=82 2nd division number=2 answer=41 i already told tht i dunt knw C++this was my 1st day on C++ thts y this simple program took me 2hrs 30 mins ---------------------------------------- ReGardzZz, Nauman Rafi http://www.Xanga.com/afaridi | |
█DX█N@UM@N R@FI | 1:23 am(2½ hours ago) Thanks nobody for correctionim having my mind @ 4 places dese dayz=VB,C++,SWISH[Flash] & making official site for my skool ... lot of work ---------------------------------------- ReGardzZz, Nauman Rafi http://www.Xanga.com/afaridi | |
Vijay | 1:24 am(2½ hours ago) NaumanYou could take integers as input but later type cast them to float and divide them like #include int main() { int x,y; scanf("%d %d",&x,&amp;y); float z = (float)x/(float)y; printf("%f\n",z); return 0; } | |
█DX█N@UM@N R@FI | 1:32 am(2½ hours ago) yarr Vijay i got this code but not fully:S can u describe it in some detail:S |
rushanmalik ■
4:01 am(7 minutes ago)
good job mainak [Panther] | 4:10 am(1 minute ago) nice jobback up taken http://mainak01rex.blogspot.com/2007/06 |